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- Went up to Greasy Lake. Through the center of town, up the strip., past the housing developments. and shopping malls., street lights giving way to the thin. streaming. illumination of the head-lights, trees crowding the asphalt in a blackunbroken. wall: that was the way out. to Greasy Lake. The Indians had called it Wakan, a reference to.
- T Coraghessan Boyle Greasy Lake Text.pdf Free Download Here. Full Text: In the essay below. Greasy Lake & Other Stories. New York: Viking.
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At night, we went up to Greasy Lake. Through the centre of town, up the strip, past the housing developments and shopping malls, streetlights giving way to the thin streaming illumination of the headlights, trees crowding the asphalt in a black unbroken wall: that was the way out to Greasy Lake. Greasy lake short story full text online Greasy Lake is a collection of short stories by T. Coraghessan Boyle published in 1985. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Boyle states, 'My ambition is to make great art t and has published a dozen novels. Greasy Lake Short Movie. Would like to know where I could find a critical.
Greasy lake short story full text online Greasy Lake is a collection of short stories by T. Coraghessan Boyle published in 1985. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Boyle states, 'My ambition is to make great art t and has published a dozen novels.
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Preview — Greasy Lake & Other Stories by T. Coraghessan Boyle
Mythic and realistic, farcical and tragic, The Washington Post Book World says these masterful stories mark T. Coraghessan Boyle's development from 'a prodigy's audacity to something that packs even more of a wallop: mature artistry.' They cover everything, from a terrifying encounter between a bunch of suburban adolescents and a murderous, drug-dealing biker, to a touchin...more
Published May 6th 1986 by Penguin Books (first published January 1st 1985)
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Greasy Lake Boyle Pdf
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Oct 19, 2018Stef Smulders rated it it was amazing
Thoroughly enjoyed this collection. The humor, the playfulness, the sheer joy of storytelling make these stories a great fun to read. The author has a great sense of rythm, which becomes immediately clear in the first sentences of the opening title story:
‘There was a time when courtesy and winning ways went out of style, when it was good to be bad, when you cultivated decadence like a taste. We were all dangerous characters then.’
Rythm, alliteration, precision of expression, all pitch perfect....more
Aug 11, 2014Robert Dunbar rated it really liked it
At first excited by the intense creativity of the prose, I quickly began to feel as though I were watching a conjurer do the same card trick over and over. An expert conjurer, but still...
I like the story of Greasy Lake because the characters are relatable to the bad-boy persona of everyone’s youth—definitely at some point it was mine. The narrator wants to portray the bad-boy image but has an epiphany at the end, realizing what he wanted to portray is nothing what he wanted to be. This is summed up at the end when the narrator said, “I wanted to go home to my parents’ house and crawl into bed.” The reader really got a great sense of what the narrator was thinking and feeling thr...more
Jan 25, 2017Marc Gerstein rated it it was amazing
Wow, this is one heck of a short story.
Take the basic premise of “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” or “Risky Business,” where testosterone crazed teenage boys aim for some adventure only to see it spin out of hand but then, compress it into a short story and push everything, and I really mean everything, to extreme. I love when authors push the envelope like that but retain credibility all the while.
If educators had any sense and guts (many don’t and might squirm at parts of this), this should be requi...more
Title story is as gripping and amazing as I remember. Happy to re-read this collection. Boyle has a great knack for voice and for making history powerfully personal.
A good run of very evocative, poignant, and compelling tales of flawed humans following their little human hearts towards failure, hurt and disappointment, but interrupted by some lulzy pieces, and followed by a regrettably weak finish.
(view spoiler)[
5/5 Greasy Lake: Hooligans try to kill and rape a thug and his girl, but get miserably routed instead. Very evocative embodiment of the times.
4/5 Caviar: Fisherman falls in love with child's surrogate mother, who he doesn't notice is their doctor's...more
Greasy Lake Full Text Pdf Articles
Jan 28, 2019Frank rated it really liked it
Another very good collection of stories by T.C. Boyle. I've read several of Boyle's novels and some of his stories and always seem to enjoy them. This collection had some real gems included with a few that didn't quite do it for me. The title story, GREASY LAKE, was one of my favorites about a group of ruffians who try to kill a thug and rape his girlfriend but then get the tables turned on them.
I also enjoyed:
CAVIAR, about a fisherman and his wife who use a surrogate when the wife cannot get...more
Aug 18, 2018A.N. Mignan rated it it was amazing
This action-packed fast-paced short story is a slap in the face, for both the reader and the main characters. We can smell the beer, sweat and blood, we can see youth, social classes, a piece of vintage America. We're part of the story, whether we want it or not, having no clue how we got there in the first place.
Jul 23, 2017Whitney rated it liked it
I thought about a third of these stories were fantastic - obviously 'Greasy Lake,' but also a couple others that seemed to deal with the same kinds of characters and themes. I absolutely hated a few of these stories, though. I really didn't like when he strayed too far from what seams to be a more familiar setting for him.
Amazing short stories full of drama and mystery.
EL 17.
I should stop reading him...
This collection of short stories are worth it just to read The Hector Quesadilla Story.
This was meh at best for me. Soldiered through it so I could finally move on to something else.
Apr 17, 2016Jay rated it it was amazing
Only very recently, T.C. Boyle 19s 1CGreasy Lake 1D was placed on a banned book list by a school district near Santa Barbara. It just so happens that this school district was right down the road from where T.C. makes his current residence. When T.C. found out that a parent 19s objection to one word in the title story was enough to pressure the school to take the book off the shelves, he volunteered to speak at the school.
1CThey (the parent groups) ll hang you, 1D said the school 19s principal u...more
Feb 18, 2011
Anthony rated it
really liked it Shelves: short-story-collections-anthologies, literary-fiction
I first read the title story in college, and always meant to read more of Boyle's work. This year, as I've been keeping track of all the short stories I've read in magazines and such over in [info]365shortstories , I realized that I was coming across quite a few new Boyle stories, and maybe it was time to seek out a collection of his. I found several, but it took a while to find this one, with the story I wanted to re-read.
It's a truism, at least to me, that all short story collections are by th...more
Apr 08, 2011Jennifer M. Hartsock rated it it was ok
I love the line: the air soft as a hand on your cheek. This line melted my heart. I recommend this story. It’s ironic that at the end of the story, the girl asks if he’s seen this missing person, and what makes it ironic is that how the boys now look will give her the impression (once she finds her dead friend) that these were the boys who did it. The imagery is well done; chock full of detail and description so you envision the scene.
This story describes the scum of society, but in a way that l...more
Jan 01, 2017C rated it it was amazing
Another great collection of Boyle's stories. His second collection. There is so much detail in each page, three pages feels like enough words for ten pages. Each sentence is so perfectly crafted to reveal just enough information to create a short story. I just love savoring each story, even each sentence. I also had to read Gogol's 'Overcoat' before reading Boyle's 'Overcoat II'. Possibly these stories packed slightly less of a punch than the 'Descent of Man' collection I also read this year (mo...more
2 Stars out of 5 Stars
While this story is okay (not at all terrible or boring), I was a bit bothered by the inconsistencies in the narrator's voice. Our narrator is a 19 year old wanna-be bad boy, but the words Boyle chose to have him think and say appear out of the character's league - especially someone who has been drinking all night as our character has. One of these phrases is 'Glandular discharges': there is not one 19 year old that I know of, especially one who would be any where close to...more
Highlights: title story, 'Rupert Beersley and the Beggar Master of Sivani-Hoota,' 'The Hector Quesadilla Story,' 'Stones in My Passway, Hellhound on My Trail,' 'All Shook Up,' 'The Overcoat II.'
Sep 10, 2007
Adrienne Girard rated it
liked itRecommended to Adrienne by: some random guy in a bar in milltown
i got this book b/c the title track is set in my favorite bruce springsteen song, 'spirit in the night.' that story didn't completely live up to the song for me, but t.c. boyle is a good, creative writer nonetheless. 'the new moon party' was absolutely brilliant. on the other hand, some of the other stories ('on for the long haul') seemed like forever to get through, as short as they are.
Oct 03, 2012
Andrea rated it
really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: fiction, reviewed, short-story-collections

This early collection, while not as consistently unerring as, say, After the Plague: and Other Stories or Wild Child and Other Stories, is still full of polished surprises. A few of the experiments are nice tries (but no cigar), yet even the less successful ones come through with a certain stinging tone - and that's something Boyle manages to nail every time.
Dec 09, 2010Jeff rated it liked it
I feel lukewarm at best about this collection. I don't know if the bloom is off the rose for me re: Boyle or I'm just not liking the short story format, which I've read very little of.
Perhaps I'll pick up Les Misérables to try the other extreme length-wise.
Another issue I think is that many of the stories are in the 1st person and Boyle is one of those authors whose writing just doesn't seem right in the 1st person. Call me crazy.
Apr 17, 2008Steven rated it really liked it
I went back to reread some of my favorite stories in this collection: “Caviar,” “Greasy Lake,” “Stones in My Passageway, Hellhound on My Trail,” “All Shook Up,” and “Rara Avis.” Boyle is just a master at mingling concrete details and figurative language, in fact, I think he gets away with using more similes than just about any other writer I can think of.
T. Coraghessan Boyle is a prolific writer -- winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for his novel World's End, and Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Southern California. This is the first of his many collections of short stories I have read. The stories are imaginative, perceptive and engaging. Five stars.
Boyle's writing is always good but sometimes his characters - as befitting in satire - are annoying; not sympathetic. This set of short stories contained three or four that I just loved, for whatever reason. And he, again, didn't disappoint me in my gentle expansion of my vocabulary. I have to keep the dictionary handy for the trickle of new and interesting words.
I really enjoy Boyle's work, but I didn't enjoy this collection of short stories nearly as much as others. Maybe they are actually better and I am just burnt out on his style. Anyway, the best stories are the first one, Greasy Lake, and the last one, Overcoat II, which is an updated version of Gogol's short story, reset in the late Soviet period.
One of his earlier books, and the stories have a more raw feeling than some of his later work. Still, the satire is strong in stories like 'The New Moon Party'. His style is so distinctive that even his mediocre stories are still fun to read.
An immersive depiction of a group of kids trying way too hard, biting off more than they can chew, and choking on the excess, Boyle captures a surreal moment in time when a boy grows up a little. At once both tragic and comic, this story begs to be read over and over, providing a different glimpse into a darker corner each time.
Mar 08, 2014Natalie Homer rated it it was ok
I read this because I found 'Caviar' in another anthology, and thought it was one of the best short stories I'd ever read. Now I'm thinking it may have been a one hit wonder, because the rest of this collection was okay--nothing special--and certainly nowhere near the same level as 'Caviar.'
Short stories are great when they are either crisp and to the point or meandering and poetic. Greasy Lake, to me, felt like neither. Maybe it was the word 'greasy' that ruined these for me. These stories felt heavy and dark... and I don't like it.
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All Shook Up | 2 | 9 | Jan 04, 2014 07:41PM |
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T. Coraghessan Boyle (also known as T.C. Boyle, is a U.S. novelist and short story writer. Since the late 1970s, he has published seventeen novels and eleven collections of short stories. He won the PEN/Faulkner award in 1988 for his third novel, World's End, which recounts 300 years in upstate New York. He is married with three children. Boyle has been a Distinguished Professor of English at the...more